United States Section Region 9 – San Francisco Bay Area


The purpose of the International Police Association, United States Section - Region 9 is to create bonds of friendship and to promote international cooperation among its members.  The aims and objectives of the Region shall be to link together in a sense of service and friendship to all serving and retired members of the police service of IPA member countries and Regions. 

To arrange exchange programs, scholarship assistance, travel assistance, individual or group visits abroad and from abroad. 

To encourage, friendship and service, stimulate the work of the IPA, and, when opportunity arises, for social and cultural activities. 

To produce a regional IPA newsletter and other literature dedicated to the objectives of this region and of the IPA.    

We place a high value on positive, interpersonal communication on everyday dealings in which we treat each member with respect and appreciation, regardless of our differences of rank, sex, race, age, political affiliation or sexual orientation. 


Adopted:  February 28, 2014

Bylaw 14-05